Film vs Digital
3 Film vs Digital Film vs. Digital Cameras for Landscape Photography: Insights from Mark Zissis In the world of landscape photography, few debates have persisted as long as the one between film and digital photography. Both mediums have their champions, and both...
Photographing Landscapes In Australia
3 Photographing Landscapes In Australia Capturing the Soul of Australian Landscapes: Insights from Mark Zissis Australia’s landscapes are vast, rugged, and awe-inspiring. From its arid deserts to lush rainforests, and from expansive coastlines to the iconic red...
Wild Light
3 Wild Light Capturing Wild Light at Twilight: A Journey with Mark Zissis When the day’s final moments surrender to the night, a magical transformation occurs in the sky. Colours intensify, shadows lengthen, and the world is bathed in a fleeting, otherworldly...