0424 390 971
Fine Bemboka wall art from Mark Zissis.

    Forest Mist | Bemboka Wall Art

    Location: Bemboka wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    The forest mist early in the morning at Bemboka wall art, NSW is a truly magical experience. As the sun begins to rise and the cool air meets the warmth of the day, a mystical fog creeps through the trees, shrouding the forest in a soft and ethereal blanket. As you walk through the mist, the world around you seems to take on a new and mysterious quality. The damp earth beneath your feet, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle sound of birdsong all take on a new dimension as you immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the forest. The misty air itself is refreshing and invigorating, filling your lungs with cool, crisp oxygen and cleanse your senses. It's a peaceful and meditative time, where you can forget the worries of the world and simply be in the moment, surrounded by the beauty and wonder of nature. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Mystic Gums | Bemboka Wall Art

    Location: Bemboka wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition 
    Walking through a forest shrouded in mist is a truly magical experience. The mist softens the light and casts a hazy glow over everything, creating an atmosphere of mystery and enchantment. As you walk among the towering trees, the mist envelops you in its embrace, dampening sounds and creating a sense of stillness and quiet. You can hear the gentle drip-drip of water droplets falling from the leaves, and the occasional rustling of small animals moving through the underbrush. The tall trees themselves seem to take on an otherworldly quality in the mist, their trunks and branches shrouded in a delicate veil of moisture. As you look up, the tree trunks seem to disappear into the mist, as if leading to a world beyond our own. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Silver Mist | Bemboka Wall Art

    Location: Bemboka wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition 
    Hiking through the rainforest at Bemboka wall art early one morning, I came across the rare sighting of the sun and mist piercing the background of this wet Subtropical Rainforest. The shrouded mist gave great detail to this natural lush composition. The giant ferns and lush green fungus climbing up through the forest floor, making way through the tree trunks. The fresh scent of the morning air on sunrise made for a great Panorama. Photographed in Medium Format 6 x 17 Lihof Technorama