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Fine Gardens wall art from Mark Zissis.

    Dragons Blood | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition 
    The Japanese Maple known as Dragon's Blood is a truly magnificent sight to behold. Its leaves, with their rich and vibrant crimson hue, seem to glow like embers in the sunlight, casting a warm and inviting glow over the landscape. As the wind rustles through the leaves of the Dragon's Blood Japanese Maple, it creates a soothing and gentle sound, like the soft whispers of a distant melody. Its intricate and delicate branches reach toward the sky, creating a beautiful and intricate canopy that shelters all who stand beneath it. For centuries, the Dragon's Blood Japanese Maple has been revered for its beauty and grace. In Japanese culture, it is considered a symbol of strength and resilience, a reminder of the enduring power of nature and the human spirit.

    Dragons Mist | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Blue Mountains, NSW

      Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition 
    In the midst of the thick fog, a bright red maple tree stands tall and proud. Its leaves, painted with the colors of autumn, glow like flames in the misty air. The tree seems almost ethereal as if it were a mirage conjured up by the fog itself. Despite the dreariness of the fog, the maple tree brings a burst of color and life to the surroundings. Its branches reach out in all directions, creating intricate patterns against the gray backdrop of the fog. The leaves rustle softly in the breeze, their vibrant hues standing out against the muted tones of the mist. As you approach the tree, you can feel the dampness of the fog settling on your skin. The air is thick with moisture, and the scent of wet earth and decaying leaves hangs heavy in the air. But as you stand beneath the canopy of the maple tree, you are enveloped in a warm, comforting embrace.

    Boat House | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Alfred Nicholas Gardens wall art, Melbourne, Victoria Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    20 Artist Proof / 200 Limited Edition
    Located in Sherbrooke, 35km East of Melbourne Victoria, is the Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens wall art- the original garden of the historic Burnham Beeches estate. Known for its extensive and picturesque water features and this weathered boathouse, every twist and turn through the many intertwining paths of the garden uncovered a haven for the senses and imagination. The cool crisp air under the canopy of the Mountain Ash trees coupled with the aroma of damp earth and the sounds of life from the many birds and creatures in the scrub made this visit a memorable one. As if from another time and place, the Boat House set aside this lake was like the discovery of a secret hideaway, its occupants transcending from a simpler life. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Laburnum | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Mount Wilson, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    In the heart of the grand estate of Mount Wilson, there was a set of steps that were as breathtaking as they were grand. The Laburnum Steps, as they were called, were made entirely out of polished stone, their yellow hue reminiscent of the delicate flowers of the laburnum tree. As I approached the steps, I was struck by their grandeur. They seemed to go on forever, winding their way up the hillside toward the grand mansion at the top. The sunlight danced across the polished stones, casting a warm and inviting glow that beckoned me to climb. As I made my way up the steps, I was greeted with a stunning sight. The hillside was alive with the vibrant colors of blooming flowers, their sweet fragrance filling the air. The Laburnum trees themselves were in full bloom, their delicate red and yellow leaves creating a canopy of beauty and wonder.

    Autumn Botanica | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Mount Wilson, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Autumn colors are a breathtaking sight to behold, a feast for the eyes that fills the soul with warmth and joy. As the leaves on the trees change from bright greens to deep oranges, rich yellows, and fiery reds, they create a tapestry of color that is nothing short of magical. Walking through an autumn forest, the vibrant colors of the leaves create a canopy of warmth above you, a shelter from the cool fall breeze. The ground beneath your feet is a carpet of leaves, each one a different shade of red, orange, and yellow, crunching softly as you walk. The autumn colors evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort, reminding us of cozy nights by the fire, warm sweaters, and hot cocoa. They are a reminder of the beauty of change, of the constant evolution of the world around us, and the cyclical nature of life. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Autumn Garden | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Blenheim Estate, Mount Wilson, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    Mount Wilson, a small village located in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, is famous for its stunning Gardens wall art, particularly during the autumn season. As the leaves turn brilliant shades of gold, orange, and red, the Gardens wall art come alive with a riot of color and beauty that is a feast for the senses. Walking through an autumn garden in Mount Wilson is like stepping into a painting. The leaves crunch underfoot, and the air is filled with the crisp, refreshing scent of autumn. The trees, once lush with greenery, now shed their leaves, creating a carpet of color that stretches out in all directions. And all around, the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds create a serene and tranquil atmosphere that is a balm for the soul. As you wander through the Gardens wall art, you'll discover hidden nooks and crannies, each with its own unique beauty. From sweeping vistas to quiet corners, there's always something new to discover in this magical place. And everywhere you look, the natural beauty of the area is on full display, with towering trees, delicate flowers, and bubbling streams all creating a harmonious and serene atmosphere. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Autumn Flame | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    The Autumn Flame of a Japanese Maple is a true wonder of nature, a fiery explosion of color and beauty that captures the essence of the autumn season. As the leaves of the tree turn from a deep, rich green to a brilliant shade of red and orange, it creates a stunning and mesmerizing display of color that draws the eye and captivates the soul. As the gentle autumn breeze rustles through the leaves of the Japanese Maple, it creates a soothing and comforting sound, like the soft whispers of a distant melody. The intricate and delicate branches of the tree seem to reach toward the sky, creating a beautiful and intricate canopy that shelters all who stand beneath it.

    Golden Foliage | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Mount Wilson, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    As you climb the stairs, you notice that the foliage on either side has turned a brilliant shade of gold. The leaves are glowing in the sunlight, casting a warm, comforting light over everything around you. It's as if the trees are welcoming you into their embrace, inviting you to step into a world of beauty and wonder. You pause for a moment to take it all in, breathing in the sweet scent of the changing leaves and feeling the soft crunch of them underfoot. As you continue up the stairs, you feel a sense of awe and wonder. The beauty of the golden foliage seems to surround you, enveloping you in a world of light and color. You feel as though you are walking through a magical forest, filled with wonder and possibility.

    Craigs Hut Mt Sterling | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Mount Sterling, Victoria Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    As the sun begins to set and the day draws to a close, Craig's Hut takes on a whole new level of beauty. The warm hues of the setting sun cast a golden glow over the rustic wooden beams and the surrounding mountains, creating a picturesque scene that is both serene and breathtaking. As the light begins to fade, the sounds of nature become more prominent, with the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of wildlife adding to the tranquil atmosphere. The air is crisp and fresh, and the stillness of the surrounding wilderness is a reminder of the peace and tranquility that can be found in nature. As you take in the view from Craig's Hut late in the afternoon, it's hard not to feel a sense of awe and appreciation for the natural world. This is a place where time seems to stand still, and the beauty of the landscape is a reminder of the importance of taking time to appreciate the simple things in life. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Hidden Garden | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Hidden Garden, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Deep in the heart of the Blue Mountains, where the air is crisp and the winds whisper secrets, there lay a hidden garden. It was a mystical place, a haven of serenity and beauty, tucked away from the world and known only to a few who dared to venture into the wilderness. The garden was filled with maple trees, their leaves ablaze with fiery hues of orange and red, shimmering in the sunlight that filtered through the canopy above. The ground was soft and damp, covered in a carpet of moss and fallen leaves that crunched beneath your feet as you walked. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Craigs Hut | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Craigs Hut, Mount Sterling, Victoria Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Famous for the Australian movie "The Man From Snowy River" in 1982, this iconic Mountian Hut is located in the Alpine Region on top of Mount Sterling in the Victorian High Country. The hut is named after James Craig, who was an Australian pioneer and grazier in the late 1800s. The original Craig's Hut was built by him in the same area and was used as a base for his cattle grazing activities. This majestic image was captured in Twilight, with the last rays of wild light glimmering over the fading mountain peaks, throughout the high country region. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Serenity | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Hill End, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    20 Artist Proof / 200 Limited Edition
    Built back in the Mid-1800s this old Sandstone Cemented Cottage was home to the gold miners who worked in the local mines in search of gold. The cottage was constructed using local materials, including timber and stone, and features a corrugated iron roof. The current owner of the property allowed me to photograph the property late afternoon. I captured this Unquie angle of the stone cottage in 6 x 17 Panorama Format.

    Under A Wicked Sky | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Craigs Hut, Mount Sterling, Victoria Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    As the sun begins to set over the Victorian high country, there is no better place to witness the magic of nature than at Craig's Hut. The iconic hut, nestled among the rolling hills and rugged mountains, takes on a warm, golden glow as the sun's rays dance across the rustic wooden beams. The surrounding landscape is awash with brilliant shades of orange, pink, and yellow as if the sky itself is putting on a grand display. The air is crisp and cool, and the silence of the mountains is only occasionally broken by the distant calls of wildlife. As you stand on top of Mount Sterling, watching the sunset unfold before your eyes, it's hard not to feel a sense of wonder and awe. The beauty of the moment is overwhelming, and it's as if time itself has slowed down to allow you to fully appreciate the majesty of the scene. The sunset at Craig's Hut is a reminder of the power and beauty of nature, and the importance of taking time to appreciate the simple things in life. It's a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty of the world around us, and to feel grateful for the opportunity to witness such a stunning display of nature's grandeur. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film - 2 Stop Tobacco Graduated Filter

    Tree Of Life | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    The Japanese Maple, known as the "tree of life", is a truly magnificent sight to behold. Its leaves are delicate and intricate, each one a work of art, with shades of red, orange, yellow, and green that blend together in a kaleidoscope of colors. As the wind rustles through the leaves, they seem to dance and sway, creating a mesmerizing display that captures the imagination and fills the heart with wonder. At the heart of the Japanese Maple is a strength and resilience that belies its delicate beauty. It is a tree that has weathered the storms of life, standing strong in the face of adversity and growing ever more beautiful with each passing year. Its roots run deep, anchoring it firmly to the earth, and its branches reach up toward the sky, as if in gratitude for the gift of life. The Japanese Maple is not just a tree, but a symbol of life itself, a reminder of the beauty and resilience that exists within us all. It is a call to embrace the ever-changing nature of life, to find strength in our struggles, and to always strive for beauty and grace, even in the face of adversity. ( Acer Palmatum )

    Storm Escape | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: Craigs Hut, Mount Sterling Ranges, Victoria Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    20 Artist Proof / 200 Limited Edition
    Craig's Hut is a truly beautiful and serene location nestled in the heart of the Australian Alps. Perched high atop Mount Stirling, this rustic and charming mountain hut offers breathtaking views of the surrounding wilderness, making it a popular destination for nature lovers, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds. Built-in 1981 as a set for the iconic Australian film, "The Man from Snowy River", Craig's Hut has since become a beloved landmark and cultural icon for many Australians. Its rustic wooden construction, picturesque location, and sweeping panoramic views make it an idyllic retreat from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Setting up the camera late in the afternoon, the weather changed dramatically that day. Every hour was four seasons in one day. I waited till the sun perched behind the cloud cover to capture this dramatic composition of the hut. The majestic light rebounded through the cloud cover and over the peaks on the horizon. The air temperature was a cool 6 degrees with lots of icy wind. The binding light only lasted a few minutes to capture this Classic Limited Edition. Captured on 6 x 17 Super Roll Film.      

    Storm Escape Wall Art

    Autumn Jewel | Gardens Wall Art

    Location: A Secret Place, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Autumn Jewel, the tree of life, is a breathtaking sight to behold. Standing tall and proud, the Japanese Maple leaves shimmer with an array of colors, ranging from deep reds and purples to bright yellows and oranges. As the seasons change, this tree transforms into a mesmerizing display of natural beauty, a true jewel of the autumn season. The Tree of Life has long been associated with renewal and growth, and the Autumn Jewel is no exception. Its roots run deep, anchoring it firmly to the earth, while its branches stretch out in all directions, reaching toward the sky. It stands as a symbol of resilience, perseverance, and the enduring power of nature. The Acer Palmatum also serves as a source of nourishment and sustenance for many creatures, including birds and small animals. Its fruit is rich in nutrients, providing a much-needed source of energy as the colder months approach.