0424 390 971
Fine Gold wall art from Mark Zissis.

    Autumn Rain | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Oberon, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    5 Artist Proof / 50 Limited Edition 

    Brush | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Mount Wilson, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    5 Artist Proof / 50 Limited Edition 

    Wetlands | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Kanangra Boyd N.P, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    5 Artist Proof / 50 Limited Edition 

    Chrysanthemum | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Tamworth, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition

    Embroidered | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Picton, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition

    Silverton Sunset | Gold Wall Art

    Location: The Mundi Mundi Plains, Silverton, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Mundi Mundi Plains is a vast, flat plain located in the far west of New South Wales, Australia, approximately 20 kilometers from the city of Broken Hill. It is a significant landmark in the region and is known for its stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The Mundi Mundi Plains is situated on a high plateau, which rises up to over 500 meters above sea level. From this vantage point, visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the rugged desert landscape, with its rocky outcrops, dry creek beds, and sparse vegetation. The Mundi Mundi Plains are also famous for their role in the filming of the iconic Australian movie "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior". The vast, flat expanse of the plains made it the perfect location for the movie's climactic chase scenes, which were filmed here in the early 1980s Film Prop for an old Coca-Cola ad campaign, this old hotel still stands after years of bulls dust, and wind storms. Captured and composed this image on sunset. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Burn - Oil Brush | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Taree, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    5 Artist Proof / 50 Limited Edition
    Photography is a form of Art and I’m constantly pushing the boundaries, on what I can do with my Camera in Mother Nature. I use an in-camera stacking technique and filters to capture the natural landscape, like a brushed oil painting. The beauty of a landscape painted like an oil painting is that it captures a moment in time and makes it timeless. It is a snapshot of a world that is both peaceful and awe-inspiring. And just like a painting, it can evoke a sense of wonder and inspiration that transcends time and place.

    Lurch | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Blackheath, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    5 Artist Proof / 50 Limited Edition
    There's something truly awe-inspiring about an old gum tree that has stood the test of time, its trunk twisted and gnarled by the forces of nature. When such a tree grows over the wild bush scrub, it seems to take on a special significance, as if it's guarding and watching over the land it has called home for so many years. As you walk through the bush, the old gum tree stands out, its towering presence a testament to the resilience and strength of nature. Its overhanging branches offer shelter to the wildlife below, providing a home for birds and other small creatures. The tree seems to be part of the fabric of the landscape, rooted in the earth and connected to the world around it.

    Escarpment | Gold Wall Art

    Location: A Secret Place, Groose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    High in the Blue Mountains, nestled deep within the rugged and untamed wilderness, there lies a secret place unlike any other. It is a place where time seems to stand still, where the beauty and power of nature are on full display, and where ancient rocks stand as sentinels, bearing witness to the passage of time. As you make your way toward Grose Valley, the sound of rushing wind fills the air, a soothing and comforting melody that guides you along the winding path. The trail is steep and treacherous, but as you ascend higher and higher, the beauty of the landscape unfolds before you, revealing a world of breathtaking beauty and wonder. And then, at last, you arrive at your destination: a rocky outcropping that overlooks a sprawling valley below. The ancient rocks that surround you seem to hum with powerful energy as if they have been waiting for this moment for eons.

    Terraglade | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition 
    As the sun began to set over the Blue Mountains, the sky was painted with a fiery palette of blues, pinks, and purples. The ancient rocks of the mountains were bathed in a warm glow, their rugged edges and weathered surfaces transformed into a work of art by the Gold wall arten light of the setting sun. As I stood in awe of the stunning vista before me, I felt a sense of reverence for the beauty and grandeur of nature. The ancient rocks seemed to carry with them a sense of history and wisdom, a reminder of the passage of time and the constancy of change. The sunset over the ancient rocks was a reminder that no matter how fleeting life may be, there is a timeless quality to the natural world that endures. It was a call to live in the present moment, cherish each passing day, and find solace in the enduring beauty of the world around us. As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky was awash with a deep shade of purple, and the ancient rocks were shrouded in a mysterious, almost mystical light. The moment was fleeting, but the memory of the sunset over the ancient rocks would stay with me forever, a testament to the beauty and grandeur of the natural world.

    Autumn Botanica | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Mount Wilson, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Autumn colors are a breathtaking sight to behold, a feast for the eyes that fills the soul with warmth and joy. As the leaves on the trees change from bright greens to deep oranges, rich yellows, and fiery reds, they create a tapestry of color that is nothing short of magical. Walking through an autumn forest, the vibrant colors of the leaves create a canopy of warmth above you, a shelter from the cool fall breeze. The ground beneath your feet is a carpet of leaves, each one a different shade of red, orange, and yellow, crunching softly as you walk. The autumn colors evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort, reminding us of cozy nights by the fire, warm sweaters, and hot cocoa. They are a reminder of the beauty of change, of the constant evolution of the world around us, and the cyclical nature of life. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Autumn Garden | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Blenheim Estate, Mount Wilson, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    Mount Wilson, a small village located in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, is famous for its stunning gardens, particularly during the autumn season. As the leaves turn brilliant shades of Gold wall art, orange, and red, the gardens come alive with a riot of color and beauty that is a feast for the senses. Walking through an autumn garden in Mount Wilson is like stepping into a painting. The leaves crunch underfoot, and the air is filled with the crisp, refreshing scent of autumn. The trees, once lush with greenery, now shed their leaves, creating a carpet of color that stretches out in all directions. And all around, the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds create a serene and tranquil atmosphere that is a balm for the soul. As you wander through the gardens, you'll discover hidden nooks and crannies, each with its own unique beauty. From sweeping vistas to quiet corners, there's always something new to discover in this magical place. And everywhere you look, the natural beauty of the area is on full display, with towering trees, delicate flowers, and bubbling streams all creating a harmonious and serene atmosphere. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Binding Light | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Boars Head, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    The sun slowly made its way over the horizon, casting a warm, Gold wall arten light over the valley. As it descended, the sky transformed from blue to shades of pink and orange, illuminating the world with a binding light that seemed to connect everything together.

    Bolder Stone | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Oberon, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    The natural rocks of Oberon are a testament to the enduring power and beauty of the natural world. As you make your way through the rugged landscape, you can't help but feel humbled by the sheer scale and complexity of the rocks around you. The rocks themselves are a work of art, with intricate patterns and shapes that have been formed over thousands of years. They stand as a reminder of the incredible forces that shaped the Earth, and of the beauty that can emerge from even the most rugged and challenging landscapes.

    Cloud Maker | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Mount Cloudmaker, Kanangra Boyd N.P, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    As you stand on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the valley below, you can see that it's shrouded in a thick blanket of low-lying clouds. It's as if the world has been turned upside down, with the sky above and the earth below all obscured by a veil of mist and fog. As you take in the view, you feel a sense of peace washes over you. The world seems quiet and still, as if time itself has slowed down and everything has come to a standstill. You watch as the clouds slowly drift and shift, revealing glimpses of the landscape below. Trees and hillsides appear and disappear as if they are dancing in and out of view, teasing you with their beauty and mystery. As the sun rises higher in the sky, the world below begins to come alive. The mist starts to lift, revealing more and more of the valley below. You watch as the colors of the landscape slowly come into focus, the greens of the trees and the blues of the sky contrasting against the soft whites and grays of the clouds.

    Elevate | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Groose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    A Blue Mountains vista is a sight that will take your breath away. From high up on a rocky outcrop, you can gaze out over a seemingly endless expanse of mountains and valleys, all bathed in a soft, blue haze. As far as the eye can see, the landscape stretches out before you in a breathtaking display of natural beauty. The rugged peaks and deep valleys create an intricate and complex landscape that is both mesmerizing and humbling. The colors of the Blue Mountains are a feast for the senses. The vibrant greens of the trees and foliage are complemented by the warm, Gold wall arten hues of the sun, while the deep blues of the sky create a stunning contrast against the landscape.  

    Everglades | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    A Blue Mountains is a sight that will take your breath away. From high up on a rocky outcrop, you can gaze out over a seemingly endless expanse of mountains and valleys, all bathed in a soft, blue haze. The colors of the Blue Mountains vista are a feast for the senses. The vibrant greens of the trees and foliage are complemented by the warm, Gold wall arten hues of the sun, while the deep blues of the sky create a stunning contrast against the landscape. As you stand there, taking in the beauty of the vista before you, you feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you. It's a reminder of the enduring power and beauty of nature, and a moment to reflect on the beauty and wonder of the world around us.

    Golden Foliage | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Mount Wilson, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    As you climb the stairs, you notice that the foliage on either side has turned a brilliant shade of Gold wall art. The leaves are glowing in the sunlight, casting a warm, comforting light over everything around you. It's as if the trees are welcoming you into their embrace, inviting you to step into a world of beauty and wonder. You pause for a moment to take it all in, breathing in the sweet scent of the changing leaves and feeling the soft crunch of them underfoot. As you continue up the stairs, you feel a sense of awe and wonder. The beauty of the Gold wall arten foliage seems to surround you, enveloping you in a world of light and color. You feel as though you are walking through a magical forest, filled with wonder and possibility.

    Jamison Valley | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Katoomba, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    Twilight over the Jamison Valley Blue Mountains is a breathtaking sight to behold. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, the sky is painted in a stunning palette of oranges, and pinks, casting a warm and inviting glow over the landscape. The shadows of the mountains are stretched long and thin, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere that envelops the valley. It's as if time stands still for a moment, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the natural world around you. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Three Sisters Katoomba | Gold Wall Art

    Location: Three Sisters, Katoomba, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, the sky over Katoomba transforms into a symphony of colors that take your breath away. The once blue sky turns to shades of pink, orange, and red, painting the clouds with an ethereal glow that seems to emanate from within. As the colors intensify, the world around you seems to slow down, as if time itself is pausing to take in the beauty of the moment. The air cools, and a gentle breeze blows through the trees, carrying with it the scents of eucalyptus and pine. The sun finally disappears below the horizon, leaving behind a deep orange and purple glow that lingers in the sky. The last rays of light seem to stretch across the landscape, illuminating the trees, the rocks, and the distant mountains with a warm, Gold wall arten light. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film