0424 390 971
Fine Katoomba wall art from Mark Zissis.

    Blue Mountains Photography Workshop | Katoomba Wall Art


    Jamison Valley | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Katoomba wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    Twilight over the Jamison Valley Blue Mountains is a breathtaking sight to behold. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, the sky is painted in a stunning palette of oranges, and pinks, casting a warm and inviting glow over the landscape. The shadows of the mountains are stretched long and thin, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere that envelops the valley. It's as if time stands still for a moment, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the natural world around you. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Three Sisters Katoomba | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Three Sisters, Katoomba wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, the sky over Katoomba wall art transforms into a symphony of colors that take your breath away. The once blue sky turns to shades of pink, orange, and red, painting the clouds with an ethereal glow that seems to emanate from within. As the colors intensify, the world around you seems to slow down, as if time itself is pausing to take in the beauty of the moment. The air cools, and a gentle breeze blows through the trees, carrying with it the scents of eucalyptus and pine. The sun finally disappears below the horizon, leaving behind a deep orange and purple glow that lingers in the sky. The last rays of light seem to stretch across the landscape, illuminating the trees, the rocks, and the distant mountains with a warm, golden light. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Jamison Twilight | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Katoomba wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    There are few sights as awe-inspiring and uplifting as a sunrise over the Three Sisters. As the sun slowly rises over the horizon, it illuminates the rugged peaks of the Three Sisters, casting a warm and golden glow over the landscape. As the sky begins to lighten, the surrounding trees and foliage are bathed in a soft, warm light that seems to breathe life into the world around them. The crisp morning air is invigorating, and the silence is broken only by the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves. The beauty of the sunrise over the Jamieson Valley is not just in the visual spectacle, but in the feelings it evokes. It's a reminder of the power of nature and the beauty of the world around us. It's a moment to pause, reflect, and appreciate the majesty of the natural world. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Katoomba | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Three Sisters, Katoomba wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition 
    Katoomba wall art, nestled in the heart of the Blue Mountains, is a truly magical place, especially during sunset when the light casts a golden glow over the landscape. One of the most iconic features of Katoomba wall art is the Three Sisters, three towering sandstone rock formations that rise up from the valley below. As the sun begins to set, the sky over Katoomba wall art is transformed into a stunning display of oranges, pinks, and purples, and the Three Sisters are bathed in a warm and inviting light. The surrounding landscape is also illuminated, casting the valley and the bushland in a soft and gentle glow. 6 x 17 Super Roll Film

    Three Sisters | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Three Sisters, Katoomba wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition

    Light Storm | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Boars Head, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition
    As the sun begins to set over the Blue Mountains, casting a warm and electric glow across the landscape, a light storm rolls in, filling the sky with fire-red clouds and flashes of light. But even as the sunset rages on, there is a certain sense of peace and tranquility to be found. The warm light of the setting sun casts a soft and gentle glow over the landscape, illuminating the Jamieson Valley and its branches in a breathtaking display of color and beauty.

    Tree Of Life | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    The Japanese Maple, known as the "tree of life", is a truly magnificent sight to behold. Its leaves are delicate and intricate, each one a work of art, with shades of red, orange, yellow, and green that blend together in a kaleidoscope of colors. As the wind rustles through the leaves, they seem to dance and sway, creating a mesmerizing display that captures the imagination and fills the heart with wonder. At the heart of the Japanese Maple is a strength and resilience that belies its delicate beauty. It is a tree that has weathered the storms of life, standing strong in the face of adversity and growing ever more beautiful with each passing year. Its roots run deep, anchoring it firmly to the earth, and its branches reach up toward the sky, as if in gratitude for the gift of life. The Japanese Maple is not just a tree, but a symbol of life itself, a reminder of the beauty and resilience that exists within us all. It is a call to embrace the ever-changing nature of life, to find strength in our struggles, and to always strive for beauty and grace, even in the face of adversity. ( Acer Palmatum )

    Wonderland | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Jamieson Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Home of the infamous Three Sisters rock formation, the Jamison Valley just outside of Katoomba wall art in the Blue Mountains is a visual spectacle sprawling as far as the eye can see. This shot was taken at sunrise on a crisp morning, the absence of the usual crowds seen here at the lookout a refreshing chance to take in this natural wonderland of sandstone canyons, contrasted against the gorgeous blue haze of the eucalypt trees in the dense bushland. A thick fog had formed blanketing the deep valleys in what looked like a soft white carpet fit for a stroll above the bushland beneath where the traditional custodians of the land - the Aboriginal Gundungurra people - have inhabited for more than 40,000 years.

    Radiant Glow | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: Katoomba wall art, Blue Mountains, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    10 Artist Proof / 100 Limited Edition 
    Photography is a form of Art and I’m always pushing the boundaries, on what I can do with my Camera in Mother Nature. I slow down the shutter and take a number of “Blurred” exposures with the camera in a vertical motion, the same angle as the trees to create these stunning surreal images. I achieve natural RAW images like this out of my camera, turning the entire landscape into an abstract painting. Wild maple trees on fire. The vibrant rich texture from the blur motion of the picture made my day. I hope they do the same for you! 6 Second Exposure

    Pristine Waters | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: A Secret Place, Blue Mountains, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    20 Artist Proof / 200 Limited Edition
    Located deep in the Blue Mountains National Park, I found this revine by accident with running water flowing downstream towards the Megalong Valley. The fallen tree gave great depth to this image, standing knee-deep in icy cold water. I was lucky enough to compose this scene. Capture 6 x17 Linhof Technorama  

    Autumn Jewel | Katoomba Wall Art

    Location: A Secret Place, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Autumn Jewel, the tree of life, is a breathtaking sight to behold. Standing tall and proud, the Japanese Maple leaves shimmer with an array of colors, ranging from deep reds and purples to bright yellows and oranges. As the seasons change, this tree transforms into a mesmerizing display of natural beauty, a true jewel of the autumn season. The Tree of Life has long been associated with renewal and growth, and the Autumn Jewel is no exception. Its roots run deep, anchoring it firmly to the earth, while its branches stretch out in all directions, reaching toward the sky. It stands as a symbol of resilience, perseverance, and the enduring power of nature. The Acer Palmatum also serves as a source of nourishment and sustenance for many creatures, including birds and small animals. Its fruit is rich in nutrients, providing a much-needed source of energy as the colder months approach.