0424 390 971
Fine Moree wall art from Mark Zissis.

    Brush Scrub | Moree Wall Art

    Location: Moree wall art, NSW

    Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Read To Hang

    5 Artist Proof / 50 Limited Edition
    The native bush around Moree wall art, NSW is a stunning example of the natural beauty that can be found in Australia. This rugged and wild landscape is characterized by a diverse range of flora and fauna, including eucalyptus trees, wattles, and banksias, as well as a range of native birds, marsupials, and reptiles. One of the most striking features of the native bush around Moree wall art is the variety of colours and textures on display. The deep greens of the trees and shrubs contrast against the vibrant yellows and oranges of the wildflowers, creating a stunning tapestry of colours that changes with the seasons.

    Sorghum | Moree Wall Art

    Location: Moree wall art, NSW Finish: Acrylic Face Mount / Diamond Polished Bevelled Edges - Ready To Hang

    15 Artist Proof / 150 Limited Edition
    Sorghum is an Ancient Cereal Grain belonging to the grass family Poaceae. Driving through the back roads of Moree wall art, I stumbled on this massive field of Sorghum late afternoon. I captured and composed this image in 40-degree heat in the middle of summer. Lining up the two large oak trees in the background of the horizon, I proceeded to photograph in Super Roll Film 6 X 17 and stopped down the lens to one meter. Linhof Technorama 72mm